The leading 9x Certified PMU Studio in Sabah. Trusted to make your beauty dreams come true.Services and courses available.
Bev Studio provides semi permanent makeup tattoo or better known as embroidery for eyebrows, eyeliners and lips.
Ombre Powder Brows, Gradient Brows or Natural Powder Brows is the latest eyebrow embroidery that provides soft and well balanced brows that compliments your features.
Lasts for 2-3 years
Starts from RM999
Lash liner, classic wing liner and luminous eyeliner enhances the eye shape and makes your lashes look fuller.
Lasts for 2-3 years
Starts from RM599
Velvet lip blush is the process of implanting pigments into the lip superficial layer of skin and helps in eliminating darkness or hyper/hypo pigmentation of lips. Lip blushing also provides lips a healthy tone of color.
Lasts for 2-3 years
Starts from RM999
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
What our clients have to say about their experience at Bev Studio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Fully-healed brows. Ramai orang puji the nano feather brows by Bev, nampak natural. Kalau dulu, saya perlu masa lama utk get ready. Now, pakai lipstick saja then boleh jalan dah. Thanks again Bev and Debbie.
Sy sukaaa natural sudaaa warna dia, tlmpau eksaited sbb sy mau kasitau itu scabs xla tlmpau lama mau tunggu habis dia kluar semua Seawal day 5 nah..dia pelan2 suda jatuh sdiri dan rataa juga..btul2 puas ati, Ya thanx to you and bev juga🥰🥰🥰
Of course paling ketara is I gained so much knowledge than before. Explaination very detail. Nampak tu sincerity in teaching. Cara ajar same as my other teacher. But the most precious and appreciated is Teacher Bev suruh appreciate nilai kerja sendiri. Ini teda satu teacher pun yang ajar gini. And my mindset and goals totally change after having her as my mentor. Plus, mcm betul2 pigi school 😂. Sebab ada homework. Sudah pass baru dapat sijil. Tidak dapat sijil on the same day pun i dont mind coz at least this pushes me to be better. This concept pun sy suka. Shows that classes from bev is accredited and students will gain so much more in the future. Memang this is the best class and the best investment for me. ❤️ And most important juga bev rajin reply even before i started taking class with her. Most student mesti ada banyak question after class. Sebab bukan semua kita boleh catch up in one class. Communication after class is important for me too
OMBRE POWDER CLASS WITH BEV 2020! yes, again i join class ombre powder, why? Untuk my beloved customer supaya lagi cantik🥰 why not kita belajar lagi tambah ilmu kan, and sangat tidak rugi! Thankyou tecer bev! Dulu i join makeup class now ombre powder, next please🤪 - So much knowledge than before! Especially the theory pergh explanation dia sangat details i tak tipu k😂. I think part ini la sangat penting before kita buat brow, sbb banyak tips2 bev bagi x luki ilmu, tanya la soalan byk2 pun dia layan juga apa lg ni ex student paning sdh si tecer🤣 Satu lagi, bila u join class with bev dia x pernah kc tgl student dia. And i paling suka ur tecer komen art student. Why? Sbb kita tau mana salah kita then we can improve more than before. Bukan mau komen santik2 ja ok. 😂 besok2 ha dia tnya la ni ok fine miesha can i see your artwork. 😂 Lagi i suka from bev, she will share our artwork di media social. Then dari sana pun org kenal kita sudah. Baru i post gambar class with bev ada sudah menanya mau booking service ombre powder with me. 🥺 Thankyou for trusting me! Lastly, The Best Teacher is communication with students after class very veryy important! Thank you so much tecer bev! #professional #ombrepowder
Eventho sudah join class Ombré Brow from other sifu, dlm hati mmg masi jg mau join class Tc Bev ni..bcoz i know how she teach..she's a very experienced teacher..mmg detail dia ajar from A-Z..yesterday punya class byk new info, new skills, tips and tricks dia share..even the smallest mistake while holding the machine and swinging it pun she boleh detect..that's what i like..kalau nda, sampai bila2 pun buat mistake yg sama..mmg worth it la join class Tc Bev👍👍
I like my new eyebrows, sangat cantik sebab balance suda🥰🥰..Sekijap suda sa bersiap p kerja skrg.. Hubby pun x stress nmpk sa bercermin lama2 mau kasi balance eyebrows🤣🤣🤣 thank you Bev coz kasi balance kudow sia...original kudow mmg x balance so bikin stress juga lah...sama masa buat tu hari langsung tidak sakit, not like my previous experience sakit sampai saya x berani p touch up 😅😅
My 59 days with ombre brows from @bevstudio. I’m happy with my kudou 🥰 Bangun2 saja, ada kudou on point 😅. Senang dan jimat masa pagi2. Pigi hiking dan swimming pun tetap kudou on point 😜 Buli juga bikin “reward to myself” ni buat Ombre Brows 😆
I choose Bev's brow service simply bcoz i have always been wanting to experience her magical touch. Her passion & focus amazes me. What she did was really comes from the heart ❤️❤️. My heart just wants to sing everytime i woke up n see my brow. xpayah suda mau pusing satu bilik cari² brow pensel.😅
Sa suka ba my ombré brows skrg. Plg cpt sa besiap selalu kudou yg plg lmbt mau d paitung klu mau besiap haha
I would recommend bev pny ombre powder brow to anyone.. Superb service.. Sangat2 puas hati.. Bev will let u to choose ur own shape of brows.. And she is very patient.. Ambi masa jg mau adjust my she did the correction of my old mist Powder brow.. Hehe.. Ya.. she is very gentle..very comfortable doing my brow with her.. Thank u so much Bev 🥰🥰🥰.. I'm looking forward to do my 1st touch up.. And I'm been thinking to join your brow class but mau cari ngam timing laa..
Bev is a phenomenal makeup artist. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone who is seeking a professional for any occasion. She offered some great makeup tips/advice that were very helpful, and I had try and experience them myself. I was very pleased with my results, and would definitely use her services again but to bad she only will take bridal makeover after this. So to those soon to be bride hire Bev to make you special day more memorable.Thanks for making me more attractive than I've ever been!! You are a god! Ess! A goddess!!
One of the best decision I did was choosing Bev as my nuptial and reception MUA back in January 2018. From her makeup skills and hairdo techniques, she did and exceptional and MESMERIZING job in dollying me up and styling my 5kg hair on all of the 3 sessions with her! Also, her time management was brilliant and everything went accordingly as planned. I do highly recommend to all Brides to Be to experience Bev' s magic touch. You will surely be amazed like I did :)
The best makeup artist ever in Sabah. The one that I trust because of her magic touch. She's professional and so calm. She specializes in making you look naturally beautiful that’s why im confident with her work without even looking at any mirror. Her makeup is so flawless, not cakey and you’ll look amazing in photo too. I absolutely love the makeup & hairdo and highly recommended Bev Muah 😍
I’ve had my make up done by Bev so many times and it never ceases to amaze me every time! So glad my big day was done by her. Lasted all day and looked so flawless! Everyone was asking who did my hair and makeup.
Ok, apa yg best ombre bevbrow ni, 1st we (me & bev) share apa yg saya suka bentuk shape brow dimuka saya and bev bikin & kasi match dimuka. For the process session, saya tidak rasa apa-apa masa kena bikin n sempat tidur :sleeping:🤭, sebab ada cream kena letak. But after session tu memang ada rasa pedih sikit dlm 3hours, tapi kalau yg sumandak sudah mcm tiada ba tu rasa. Overall, walaupun beauty is pain, tapi macam saya balik-balik mengkagumi muka sendiri dengan brow bebeh masa tgk cermin & tiada masalah suda ni mau dptkan brow yg cun tiap hari & jimat masa & plg penting nampak neutral la ba kan:heart_eyes:. Thank you Bev! Akhirnya dpt brow idaman🤣🤣🤣.
My first time doing this and was nervous at first (got few bad experiences frm my mum & friends) but Bev helps a lot & she even explain the whole thing before we started. The process took about 4 hours and i fell asleep almost the whole time, it was really good. Those who are still wondering whether it hurts or not, i can tell that the pain is only like 2/10. The after effect for me is only a slight headache & eventually went away after 1-2 hours. Booked my touch up appointment straight away ahaha. Now everyone is complimenting my eyebrows 😘 and whats more awesome is i dont neeed to spend more time in front of the mirror to draw them again n again. Wuhoo! 😎
Kening saya ni pandai gatal sbab kena rambut pendek sya so faham2 la klu kena lukis camna mo garu kam, Lepas buat ombre powder xde lagi kerisauan saya.. Lgipun saya mmg kurang2 dalam lukis2 kening ni mengambil masa yg lama untuk berhias so husben saya suggest laa support gtu inda dia menunggu lama klu mo berjln.
For me, it's like wearing ur favourite pair of lifting bra. U feel confident, beautiful and powerful. Nobody knows it, but u do, u can feel the aura.
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